Frequent Visits
- Slashdot - News for Nerds. Stuff that matters.
- SaveUp - Chances to win money and prizes for saving money!
- Facebook - Useless info for anyone, nothing that matters
- FMyLife - Entertaining, even if you don't believe they are all real stories
- Google - Google pretty much owns me!
- Amazon - If you can't find it on Amazon, you probably don't need it
Useful Sites
- Hak5 - Online TV show teaches a lot of software/linux hacks and tips
- TekZilla - Online TV show that shows the latest and greatest devices
- Revision3 - Hosts Hak5, Tekzilla and many other useful and entertaining content
- W3Schools - Learn about almost any web programming
- - PHP Manuals explain all PHP functions
Credit Union related Sites
- SMUG - Symitar Midwest User Group, very busy mailing lists for Symitar Credit Unions
- NW SUG - Northwest Symitar User Group, 3 user group meetings a year,
seems to be joining with SWSUG to create SymWest.
- Northwest Credit Union Association - Supports Credit Unions in Washington and Oregon
- Everything CU - Pretty active CU marketing forums, with lots of great ideas.
- RepDev - Symitar Repgen IDE, I don't think I could do Symitar Programming without it anymore!
Sites I work with